
Numbers exist everywhere in our lives. Numbers are used as measurement for dinner cheap or costly, salary high or low, time early or late, competition win or lose,… Everything has values unique or relative when perceived with numerical levels.

Spiritually we come into this incarnation with a Life Code, our birthday! This code is a tell-all manual of our life journey, revealing talents, potential future, past life, weakness, turning points, biocycles, compatibilities with others, finding our direction of advantages and so much more!

A quick example, Taylor Swift birthday 12/13/1989, numerology 349=7. The first step is to reduce birthday month-date-year into single-digit numbers, 12=3 13=4 1989=9. This Month-date-year set of numbers show present life tendency, skill set, people entanglement,… as they also reflect past life residuals. So Taylor’s 349 represents her artistic colorful creative abilities with 3 & 9, 3 & 4 as youthful young generations of existence, yet 9 showing a past life of masses experience. If past life, 349 could indicate (3) an innocent playful youth, (4) studious scholastic learning, livelihood with information, and (9) growing into worldly presence at a later stage of life. Life Path is birthday total, 3+4+9 = 7, a path pattern or goal of this life. 7 represents inner purpose, spirituality, emotional peace, etc. In order to achieve 7, within 349 3&4 are lower than 7, jumping for the higher hoop, a lot of hard work she’s driven to do, ambitious hard to sit still. Only 9 is higher than 7, a third of her being is higher, more sufficient, more than enough to accomplish 7. As she stands before a stadium of crowd, she’s very comfortable, vibing with thousands of faceless movements.

What’s your number? Let’s talk about it!

Angel Numbers

What does it mean to see triple numbers, like 111 222 333…?
These numbers are referred to as Angel Numbers, as if they are specific messages from the Angels!
Repetitious Numbers may be a way for the angels goddess or the teachers from higher realm
to let you know that you are on the same frequency, reveal guidance of direction,
show confirmation to your thoughts, give confidence & cheer at an opportune moment
for the dilemma you are facing. It’s talking to you like a flashing Neon sign, 111 222 333!
Here is a video for all the messages Angel Numbers give, as well the script below!

When you see Angel Number 111 or even 4 1’s, the message is: Always remember to do yourself! Be individualistic, independent, unique, pioneering, 1st-in-line. Be courageous. Be center-stage. Shine, be confident! Let the world see you!

Angel Number 222, the message is: Be gentle, considerate & harmonious. Lean on partners or others. Collaboration helps complement one another, and completes your project even better & stronger. Play the 2nd fiddler!

Angel Number 333, the message is: Be playful, childlike, spontaneous, creative, and have fun! Use colors, music, art to pump up the volume. People are looking to be impressed by your amazing talents!

Angel Number 444, the message is: Stay put, persist, and insist. Hold your breath, work hard and push through. Never give up half way. Research more to be sure. Those who have security laugh last!

Angel Number 555, the message is: Consider a little change. Twist and turn. Stay flexible, update, zigzag, question the old plan. Learn new tricks to stay ahead. Your future is a new version of today!

Angel Number 666, the message is: Be a team player. Keep up with others. Stay in the now. Cooperate, be tactful, sociable, trendy, and fashionable. Social connection helps determine your standard of being!

Angel Number 777, the message is: Slow down. Have faith. Trust that there’s a higher power at work. Accept things as they are. Wait it out. No actions now! Impasse or postponement may be a blessing in disguise.

Angel Number 888, the message is: Have strength, push harder, work more, challenge your patience! Join the rich and powerful, fulfill your ambition and break the status quo. Succeed! Be all that you can be!

Angel Number 999, the message is: Expand your experience! Meet more people, go more places, offer more options… Be easy, tolerant & open-hearted to others. Move swiftly around and detach from any of the unnecessary!

Angel Number 000, the message is: Hold & re-examine. This is a pivotal moment of time. Lose the bias. Abort where you have overthought. Look at the world differently, and start anew with fresh beginning!

Celeb Numerology

Take a look at Numerology Tic-Tac-Toe, where we put our birthday life codes into a 9-block structure.

Numerology Tic-Tac-Toe can display several things, if we are head-heavy mental intellectual, or physical practical self-oriented, if our lives involve small private sectors, or largely community world trending.

Numerology Tic-Tac-Toe can also show what dedicated life focus we have, simple and sharply ambitious or numerously crossed and confused.

Let’s see an example with JLo’s numerology to demonstrate above mentioned.

Let’s explore numerology and its connection to a person’s name by Matthew McConaughey!

Matthew McConaughey just so happens to have an interesting name with double M initials, therefore matching and emphasizing his birthday traits of 4-4, work detail caution stability… etc.

McConaughey’s numerology also amazingly coincides with his astrology chart, Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon.

What does your name say about you? What astrological characteristics are shown simply by the numbers? Do they harmonize or conflict against your spiritual purpose? What if you’d like an easier name for current mission vibration, what name and alphabet should be considered?

Twin Souls Numerology

How do people come together, work hand in hand, complement each other to success…? We can observe a few unbeatable teams on this current world stage!

Google founders Larry Page & Sergey Brin are making it to the Forbes Millionaire list.

Larry Page birthday 3/26/1973, Sergey Brin 8/21/1973
In Numerology, Larry is 382, and Sergey 832. They are amazingly anagrams of each other!

When two people possess such matching personality numbers/elements/ingredients, they are much on the same wavelength. They are complements to each other. The partnership is like a hand in glove, a tightly resembled pair of individuals, a Twin relationship!

The sum of 382 & 832 is 4, their Life Path number. Needless to say, it’s the same! People of same Life Path number feel that they share very similar life goals, timing, pattern & experience, like getting on a same bus in this big world, on a karmic journey traveling together.

A set of 832/382 numbers show some joint material understanding, structural work standard (8), creativity, free form expectations (3) and tender emotional connection, partnership of willingness (2). Life Path 4 belongs to a typical workaholic individual, who likes reliability, small safe steps & rules to abide by!

Did you see the movie Saltburn?

Saltburn is a 2023 black comedy psychological thriller film written directed and co-produced by Emerald Fennell, starring Barry Keoghan, Jacob Elordi, Rosamund Pike, Richard E Grant, Alison Oliver, Archie Madekwe and Carey Mulligan.

Keoghan & Elordi have the intricate relationship that kept the audience glued and won them many accolades.

Now that we examine their birthdays we see why. They may be born five years apart and two different astrology signs that display different persona traits, yet their Numerology and Destiny Cards are synchronized or paralleled, so that they work on this movie together, build toward share of glory together, with no jealousy, no discontent… What they say when interviewed in many shows that they are like brothers/best friends, would seem quite fitting for two overlapping souls!