In Asian Numerology, last digit of birth year or any other identity is indicator of our elemental influences.
For example, a birth year of 1980 has a “0 – Earth” element!
Another identity may be a name, with total numerological value of 29, with element “9 – Metal” influence.
A current year 2024 has a “4 – Metal” elemental indication.
Knowing all the above information, we can understand the interactions of us the person, to a current year universal energy, and if a name (business name, a baby’s name, a social media handle…) is helpful or detrimental to the person.
In the Elemental Relation chart, Earth generates Metal; so, the person/Earth can contribute to the world in this year 4/Metal.
If it were the opposite scenario, current year is Earth and person is Metal, this can be a good year for the Universe to facilitate the person to achieve easy success.
This is a simple example of how Asian Numerology works with just five numbers and elements. Any question/comments?