Finding life answers in a skyscope…

Natal Chart
Natal chart is a masterplan of life, containing information of persona, weakness & strength, karma, wealth, health, love, others, event timing, and all!

Transit & Progression
Advancing from Natal chart, we see current age focus by a few progression methods like Transit, Secondary Progression, Profection, Solar Arc, and more!

Saturn Return & Others
Major life points of self reflection! Saturn happens every 28 years, Jupiter 12 years, Uranus 84 years,… It can also help explain a 7-yr itch, 14-yr rebellion, etc.
2025 Outer Planet Position At-a-Glance

This Outer Planet position At-a-Glance gives you positions of planets from Jupiter to Pluto in 2025.
Gray blocks are retrograde periods. Dates of sign or degree changes are listed on Month/day bar on top.
A quick example of Jan 20, 2025, we see Jupiter Uranus in gray retrograde, rest planets direct. In March Neptune changes sign. In September/October, up to 4 planets are retrogrades together, representing a time to re-think, re-do, taking a step back for more time!
In fact 2025 is a pivotal year, connecting the old with the new, or possibly still going back and forth between the new and the old, manifesting into some indecisiveness in some people’s life in reality. This can be seen in June to July, Jupiter Gemini to Cancer, Uranus Taurus to Gemini, then September, Saturn retrograde from Aries back to Pisces, Uranus 1Gemini direct to retrograde, and in October/November the final degrees of Uranus and Neptune, 29 Pisces and 29 Taurus.
So we may get a sense that the whole year is on a switch, one up one down, two down one up, or…
A quick mentioning of Numerology, 2025 is a 9 year, another pivotal indication, containing water 2-2’s and air 0-5. This is a time to work the water, relationship sensitivities and air, communication skills together. End result is 9, fire, getting ready to start a new cycle, new beginnings! Best of luck to everybody!
Astrology Basics

Within an astrology chart, Planets represent action, people, movements, tangible energy, etc. They are the basic components we use to understanding a chart!
A quick example, to know the persona of someone, we look to his Sun; his inner emotions, the Moon; his mental tendencies, Mercury; lifestyles love, Venus; actions temperament Mars…
Adding the other two factors of Signs and Houses can weave a complete picture of the chart’s native, a person, company, an event, medical condition, and many more.
Here I have listed simple keywords of the ten planets plus South/North Nodes and Chiron. Familiarizing yourself with these planets and use of their keywords add to your astrological vocabulary and make fluent of your skills!

Astrological Signs are like adjectives, they describe the other two factors, the Planets and Houses.
An easy example, if you have an Aries Sun, your outer persona is seen as energetic impulsive adventurous…; Scorpio Moon, your inner feelings are intense possessive investigative…; Saturn in Libra, common discipline is socially oriented… All we have to do is to add the keywords of Planet & Sign together!
House is the circumstance, the location of occurrence, areas of life emphasized, where to find problem/answer of dilemma,…

Now that we have all three Astrology ingredients, Planet + Sign + House, we can make full sentences of personal traits, events of life, current experiences, nature of health or financial issues,… All things in life may be explained in our life’s kaleidoscope called Astrology!
Medical Astrology – Body Mapping
South Node Medical Astrology is a simple logical visual body mapping system that can be learned in a quick session.
It answers all questions of health, what vulnerability, what karmic nature, what transit, long or short term, and so much more.
For example, a Mercury near South Node in Natal chart may be an indication of natural born bright mind, or years of inquisitive research on migraine or facial hair. A Pluto square to Nodes may reveal a mid-torso digestive mystery or an occurrence of appendicitis.
We can combine this body mapping with the other medical astrology methods like 6/12 house axis, profection, horary, etc. readings. It’s read simultaneously with different systems.
This is such a great diagnostic technique to possess!
Horary Astrology

A good health Horary question interpretation example:
Two approaches:
Mars in Gemini on 6H cusp, small bug bite actually occurred in other parts of the body; but not in the ear. Mars signifies puncture, 6H small creatures, Gemini multiple impacts. Though Mars may show discomfort, quick passing as Gemini, it is not the cause of ear concern.
Querent asked about a pain spot in the ear. Was it a bug bite, a zit, a mysterious health cause?
South Node Health map, no indication in the right head/ear area (30 counterclockwise to S Node). However, by Chinese medicine meridian system, the right ear top lines through to the bottom left (foot). Chiron is positioned at the left foot, therefore showing a cause of pain in the foot. Either foot causing ear pain or ear causing foot pain, it’s like chicken or the egg! But Chiron (Aries for head related) definitely indicates a long term foot weakness. Client did reveal a foot swelling since two days ago suspecting eating too much salt. Fiery Aries Chiron would suggest inflammation in nature, not fluid accumulation.
AstroCartography – The Compass

An astrology chart is a skymap of what’s above our Earth. As we stand on different spot on earth, we see the sky differently! A chart is like a compass reflecting movements as we walk, showing changed angles & houses at different locations.
Example, a birth chart for Noon in Hong Kong (left chart) is shown as night time in New York location (right chart). Same Universal time, same two individuals, like spiritual twins of same aspects/planetary degrees… However they will have different focuses of life, more public/upper chart for Hong Kong Asian life intentions, and more private/lower bowl chart for New York born person, earlier developments in life versus Hong Kong person with later accomplishments. Much more can be interpreted from the two charts.
AstroCartography – Where to Move to?!

AstroCartography map shows locations of our Planet/Angle conjunction in continuous lines.
For example, a line of Moon/AC represents all the cities where relocated charts have Moon near the Ascendent line. Living near the line of Moon on Asc can be a focus of emotions, expressing often with moodiness, being intuitive instinctive feminine, etc. There are two different effects depending on which side of this line you live on.
Living on the left side of M/A line will put Moon in the 1st House, whereas living in cities on the right side of line puts Moon in the 12th house side.
Moon in 12th house is to hide emotions, minimize the importance of such planet, go inward, utilize intuitiveness. Moon in 1st house is to outwardly display, strengthen its visibility, help utilization of Moon type of skills and career,…
Where to move to? The world is a big place. With AstroCartography we have some guidance! However some people may still have a vague plead “I need to find a better place”. Better has different meanings to different people. Some people want an improved career environment, some want more social life. So, we will use the planetary qualities to guide us.
A quick example, Sun near angles can bring vitality trust respect to those areas of Self (Asc) Home (IC) Marriage (DS) Career (MC). Jupiter may serve similar purposes like blessings carefree tolerance… generally positive help. Or, Venus on angle may bring fame admiration jealousy, Saturn signifies big business, dignity, discipline… Every planet has a whole list of representations, pros and cons, ease and difficulties!
Using this knowledge can help us choose better locations of our next home by, 1st the planet/angle line, and 2nd left/right of the planetary line to hide/show the energy and characteristics.
Planetary Ingress

When an outer planet is observed to change sign, e.g. Uranus moving from Aries to Taurus, it is a reflection of our Earthling mundane changes, change of circumstance, change of energetics, change of mentality… a change of generational identity.
Here is a table of all the years Uranus has made sign changes. In between two signs, there may be some retrograde motions bringing Uranus back to the previous sign then forward to the next sign; however, this is generally accurate by the starting year. To be sure, please graph a chart for your exact date.
Thinking back to those year marks, like mid-year of 2018 and 2010, did you have a major change of direction? Preparation for new life to come? Some impatience or anxiety, couldn’t wait for the next job/home/relationship to start? This is the kind of effect that Uranus brings!
Using example of Aries Uranus, Aries is symbolic 1st sign of Zodiac. As Uranus the planet of unconventionality invention rebel technology… aligns with the pioneering spirit of Aries, we can see people born in these eras courageous enthusiastic style-trending…
Let’s see some examples of the very fitting Aries Uranus People and Lifestyles:
TikTok (2016), Amazon Alexa (2013), Ring doorbell (2014), Intermittent Fasting (2012), Zoom video (2012), iPad (2010), Facetime (2010), Instagram (2010)
Disney Mickey Mouse (1928) and Donald Duck (1934)
Namesake of hair fashion Vidal Sassoon (1928), and tire industry Parnelli Jones (1933)
Worldly known personalities Audrey Hepburn (1929), Andy Warhol (1928), Ann Frank (1929), Liz Claiborne (1929), Clint Eastwood (1930), James Brown (1933), Charles Manson (1934), Larry King (1933), William Shatner (1931), Leonard Nimoy (1931), RBG Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933), Lorraine Warren (1929)
Leader infamous Ariel Sharon (1928), Martin Luther King Jr (1929), Mikhail Gorbachov (1931), Osho (1931)
Financial giants Warren Buffett (1930), George Soros (1930)
Events Vatican City independence day (1929), Pluto discovery (1930), 1st FIFA World Cup (1930), 1st Drive-in theater (1933)
What is your Uranus era? What were the exciting things that changed your life drastically? We can explore together!
Other Astrology Categories
Solar Return and Other Returns
Medical Astrology
Love progression
And more…