Destiny Card system is a 3-in-1 system combining astrology numerology cards, a road map of our physical world existence, circumstances, likely ups & downs, turning points, and inner world of heart & soul, emotional interactions, spiritual life lessons, etc. This is my ultimate go-to for understanding relationships, not to mention all other financial family & miscellaneous matters.
A quick example, Angelina Jolie, birthday June 4, King of Diamonds, one who learns her present life lessons through financial values, monetary exchanges, personal societal worth, etc. She is seen as kingly, a dominant presence, sharply intelligent, prestigious or intimidating for average men to date! Her ex-husband Brad Pitt King of Heart is a card next to her in the Life Spread, a relationship of Mercury nature, lots of talking, a friend family sibling mind-melt type of dynamics… In Perfect Spread, Brad/King of Heart is 4-lines above Angelina/King of Diamond, which puts Brad in the highly adored position, despite of any other issues they share in mundane life.
So much more can be said with these two grids Life and Perfect Spreads! Let’s explore yours!
Lover Dynamics
Ben Affleck had two marriages with two Jennifer’s. Which Jennifer did you think was a better match for him? If you were Ben, which would you choose if you were to do it over again and make better life choices?

By Destiny Card system,
Ben 8/15 – Jack of Clubs in blue,
Jennifer Garner 4/17 – 4 of Diamonds in Orange,
JLo 7/24 – 4 of Clubs in Pink.
In the left Perfect Spread for past life/karma/emotional connections, Ben has both Jen’s right next to himself, JLo on top and Garner on diagonal right below. Cards that are right next to each other have a “Mercury” relationship, the closest level of mental relating from perhaps a past life residual impression. Ben feels like he can talk to either of the women, once upon a time when love was fresh anyway. Ben is “Jack (11)” in card numerology order, a much higher number than the two “4” women, which can give him a sense of male dignity, dominance, the king of love.
The difference of the two women:
JLo is same suit, another Club, as Ben. They can identify as both mental intellectual, as in past life coming from the same cultural environmental educational background. On the other hand, Garner is a Diamond, slightly different from the Club, a person more concerned about practicality, material financial, less idealistic wit-fancy. In a past life perspective they do not feel relatable by thinking logic. If anything, they might have been close from being neighbors. Ben can easily feel pressured from Garner if he slacks off from work, contributes less than her… etc.
In Perfect Spread being on a higher line is a person on a pedestal, admired & supported; whereas the person on a lower line does the supporting financially physically or any otherwise. In this threesome totem pole, JLo is the highest one, the most diva, prima donna, high maintenance,… person. Ben is below her and would gladly put her up high, compliment her, be at her beck and call. On the other hand, Garner is not so lucky. She is the lowest one, and can feel like she works the hardest to maintain the relationship. She likely worships him from a past life/spiritual/subliminal angle. This upper-lower observation can really tell within any relationship the direction of admiration and who bears the cross.
In the right Life Spread, Ben & Garner continue to have that same dynamic like past life, being immediately up & down to each other, maintaining a close opportunity to communicate on a daily basis. That can easily be the manifestation of their lasting a 10-year marriage. Looking at JLo being farther up from Ben in this incarnation, plus they are not in a direct line (it’s the diagonal corners of a rectangle, an L-connection), they have much more difficulty getting together by timing and circumstances. Seemingly they’ve strayed away by karmic purpose, now pursuing different directions and social circles this lifetime around.